Pennsylvania: Disability Employment Statistics
Pennsylvania By the Numbers
Population and Employment Statistics1
Working Age Population with a Disability (18-64): 928,733
- Percentage that did not work by Disability Type
Cognitive | 52% |
Hearing | 39.1% |
Ambulatory | 67.5% |
Visual | 48.9% |

Percentage of People with a Disability that did not work.
SourceAmerica/AbilityOne Network By the Numbers2
18 nonprofit agencies headquartered in Pennsylvania participated in the program as SourceAmerica/AbilityOne Authorized Providers.

942 Individuals with Significant Disabilities Employed, including 198 Veterans

Average AbilityOne Employee Wage

$68 Million
Total AbilityOne Sales
1 Data from 2022 American Community Survey
2 Fiscal Year 2023 data proprietary to SourceAmerica®
SourceAmerica Nonprofit Agencies Headquartered in Pennsylvania
- ACHIEVA Support
- Allied Health Care Services
- Avenues, Inc.
- Easter Seals Western and Central Pennsylvania
- Elwyn
- Goodwill Commercial Services, Inc.
- Goodwill Services, Inc.
- Horizon House, Inc.
- InspiriTec, Inc.
- Lark Enterprises, Inc.
- NuVisions Center
- Penn-York Opportunities, Inc.
- Quality Employment Services and Training (QUEST)
- The Arc of Cumberland and Perry Counties
- The Burnley Workshop of the Poconos, Inc.
- Via of the Lehigh Valley
Other Nonprofit Agencies with AbilityOne Contracts in Pennsylvania
- Chimes District of Columbia
- Human Technologies Corporation
- Nobis Enterprises, Inc.
- Occupational Training Center of Burlington County
- Opportunity Center, Inc.
- Peckham
- Portco, Inc.
- The Kennedy Collective
- VGS, Inc.