SourceAmerica FY23 Key Statistics
SourceAmerica® is a connecting force. We connect our customers to products and services through a nationwide network of nonprofit agencies that hire a dedicated workforce ready to support high performance on every contract. It’s a business solution that drives productivity and reshapes the future of employment for people with disabilities.
SourceAmerica Statistics*

63% of working-age people with disabilities do not have jobs.

Approximately 575 NPAs in the SourceAmerica nonprofit network.

Nearly 59,000 people with disabilities are employed throughout the SourceAmerica nonprofit network.

More than 2,400 veterans with disabilities are employed through the SourceAmerica nonprofit network.

In FY23, the average AbilityOne employee wage in the SourceAmerica nonprofit network was $17.92 per hour.

The SourceAmerica network has over $3.3 billion in annual AbilityOne sales with over $1 billion in wages and benefits paid to people with disabilities.
*Fiscal Year 2023
These statistics expire July 1, 2025.