Self-Advocate Profile: Katie Galloway

Everyone has a story. When self-advocates with disabilities share their personal experiences with lawmakers, co-workers, and the public, they help raise awareness about the importance of creating career opportunities for this talented – yet underemployed – segment of the workforce. Meet Katie Galloway!
Katie Galloway is from Arkansas but currently lives in Kentucky. She takes great pride in serving our nation’s heroes; Katie’s father served as an active-duty soldier for 32 years.
Katie works for InspiriTec, an IT and contact center enterprise, a federal government contractor, and an AbilityOne® authorized provider. Her role includes assisting service members in various subject areas including retirements, Combat-Related Special Compensation, evaluations, promotions, and awards.
Before coming to work for InspiriTec, Katie said, “I didn’t feel like a productive member of society. I woke up and would do things around the house, but I missed being part of something bigger.”
Katie experienced a catastrophic spinal cord injury in a 2013 car accident. She had to relearn everything she knew, from getting dressed and cooking and cleaning to driving an adaptive vehicle, and how to navigate the healthcare system.
Katie confirmed the personal importance of her AbilityOne job. “I have connected with co-workers and have a more extensive support system. It’s allowed me to be productive, have a routine, and provide better support to my family.” Her biggest goal is to ensure her three daughters graduate from college and find careers as meaningful to them as her AbilityOne job is to her.
In Katie’s five years with InspiriTec, she was celebrated as a customer care representative of the month, became a trainer within one year of her hiring, and delivered remarks to members of Congress and their staff as a self-advocate.
As an advocate for herself and others, Katie wants people to know that “people with disabilities are just as ambitious, capable and hardworking as people without disabilities. We are also very flexible when things get thrown our way as we are used to figuring out new or different ways to accomplish things.”
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