Celebrating National Career Development Month

By Karen Stecher 11/18/2022
National Career Development Month

Career development is a lifelong skill that can benefit all employees in every part of the workforce. November is National Career Development Month – a great time for workers to focus on their future career choices!

Focusing on career development can be especially important for people with disabilities. Nearly 70% of working-age people with disabilities do not have jobs. SourceAmerica® believes every person with a disability should have opportunities for stable jobs with competitive pay and advancement potential to build careers. This National Career Development Month, check out how SourceAmerica and its nonprofit network are helping thousands advance their careers.

  • SourceAmerica has curated an online collection of employment resources for people with disabilities, including a career skills assessment, a guide on building a great resume, and more! As part of those resources, SourceAmerica now offers a job board to people with disabilities looking for employment opportunities.
  • Our nonprofit locator is a tool that makes it easy to find agencies in the SourceAmerica nonprofit network. There are more than 575 nonprofits offering great employment opportunities for people with disabilities nationwide!
  • The Quality Work Environment Program is a continuous improvement framework that is used by both AbilityOne® producing and affiliated nonprofits, state vocational rehabilitation agencies, and other organizations that employ people with disabilities. Among other benefits, it offers numerous resources like training opportunities, productivity engineering, and subject matter experts to help improve workplaces for people with disabilities.

Throughout National Career Development Month and all year long, SourceAmerica is proud to be a leading job connector for people with disabilities and to promote opportunities for them to grow their skills and advance in their chosen careers.