Safety Program

QWE Practice Guideline: 420: Provide a healthy and safe environment

Target group: Any organization employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Employee safety is important to every business, and Crossroads Industrial Services offers an excellent integrated model to consider.

Resources Needed

  • Subject matter experts/trainers
    • Staff to manage reporting and tracking of safety procedures
  • Safety equipment as required by contracts and law

Implementation Process

  • As part of Crossroads Industrial Service's internal safety program, the management team reviews any safety incidents including near misses, accidents requiring first aid, and recordable injuries daily at their morning huddle meeting.
  • Management also visits the scene of any safety incident.
  • Each week staff members conduct a 5-S audit rotating through each department in the plant looking for ways to improve the safety of the workplace for their employees.
    • The 5-S approach consists of sort, set in order, shine, standardize, and sustain. Crossroads Industrial Services also holds quarterly safety meetings, with participation from staff including employees with significant disabilities.

NPA: Crossroads Industrial Services
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Date Submitted: 2011
