Inclusive Strategic Planning

QWE Practice Guideline: 440: Demonstrate the value of employees with disabilities

Target group: Any organization supporting and/or employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Individuals with disabilities were included in the strategic planning process.

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Trained meeting facilitators


  • Meeting space

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to meet


  • Focus groups were conducted as part of the company’s strategic planning process
  • Focus groups included employees, program participants, and external stakeholders with and without disabilities from each network location
  • Groups usually consisted of 6-12 employees
  • Facilitators were selected and assigned to each focus group
    • Facilitators followed a written script to ensure each focus group was given the same set of questions
  • Questions were categorized as follows:
    • General
    • Services provided to individuals with disabilities
    • Employer of Choice (i.e., work culture)
  • Answers from each focus group were submitted and the data was analyzed into a single report to be used at the strategic planning conference
  • Action items from the focus group reports were identified at the strategic planning conference and communicated to the appropriate project managers


  • 37 focus groups were held across multiple network locations
  • 298 individuals participated in the focus groups: 147 program participants, 126 employees, and 25 external stakeholders
  • Employee input was utilized to guide strategic planning for the agency creating employee buy-in

NPA: ServiceSource
Location: Alexandria, VA
Date Submitted: 2011
