Community College Partnership

QWE Practice Guideline: 311: Develop relationships with local organizations and the business community to provide opportunities for enhancing skill development and employment

Target group: Any organization employing or supporting individuals with disabilities

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Staff to build relationships with local organizations

Labor hours

  • Time for staff to build relationships

Implementation Process


  • Witco CEO campaigned for the establishment of a community college as none existed at the time
  • The CEO advocated for the creation of learning opportunities for and in support of individuals with disabilities
  • The new community college offered classes including, but not limited to
    • Workforce development
    • Adult basic education
    • General education development (GED)
  • Support services for students with disabilities were also developed and provided by the community college


  • SOPs
    • Processes and procedures for connecting and partnership with local organizations

NPA: Witco
Location: Caldwell, ID
Date Submitted: 2013
