Better Money Habits

QWE Practice Guideline: 454: Agency offers financial literacy training or access to training

Target group: Any organization employing individuals with disabilities

Practice Description

Did you know Bank of America provides online resources aimed at helping individuals with disabilities achieve financial independence?

Better Money Habits® helps people make sense of their money and take action to improve with free, easy-to-understand tools and resources that are available to all. The website has over 300 pieces of content to help with achieving financial goals.

The materials focus on building basic skills, such as managing spending, saving responsibly and adopting habits that promote financial safety. Learning Better Money Habits is an important skill in building one’s financial well-being, which leads to self-determination and inclusion. The materials have been designed for diverse learners to gain knowledge and skills to help make informed financial decisions.

Resources Needed

Staff and resources are needed to make financial independence information available.

Implementation Process

  • There are scripted presentations that anyone may download and deliver to various audiences. Bank of America in collaboration with Special Olympics and National Disability Institute, developed four presentations to help people with intellectual disabilities achieve financial independence.
    • Financial Independence: The First Steps
    • Spending and Saving
    • Spending and Saving while Traveling
    • Money and Identity Safety


NPA: Bank of America
Location: Charlotte, NC
Date Submitted: 2020
