Aktion Club

QWE Practice Guideline: 310: Partner with organizations and peers in the local community

Target group: All organizations that employ persons with disabilities

Practice Description

An Aktion Club is a type of Kiwanis Club and has the same service mission. An Aktion Club is distinguished from a Kiwanis Club by its membership, which is comprised primarily of adults with disabilities. The Aktion Club at Beacon Group, Inc. functions as any other Kiwanis Chapter and was started approximately seven years ago with a membership of 20 persons with disabilities. Currently 46 persons with disabilities are active members of this club. 

Resources Needed

Subject matter experts/trainers

  • Connection to Kiwanis International Office


  • Meeting location
  • Uniforms

Implementation Process

Aktion Club members elect their own leaders and hold meetings on-site once a month. 

  • During Aktion Club meetings, members listen to agreed-upon guest speakers and discuss service and educational projects.
  • A few of the projects that the club has participated in include food drives for the Humane Society and for earthquake victims.
  • For more information see aktionclub.org


  • Increase community involvement for Beacon Group employees with disabilities.
  • Increased social engagement for employees with disabilities outside of the job site.
  • This practice was acknowledged as exemplary in a CARF survey.

NPA: Beacon Group
Location: Tucson, AZ
Date Submitted: 2011
Website: https://www.beacongroup.org/
